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Mr. Smith's Parent Resource Page

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I have taught fifth grade since 1996 here at Thomas Ford Elementary School. I received my teaching certificate from the Pennsylvania State University where I studied Meteorology, Psychology and Education. I am the father of a young family. I enjoy spending time out of doors, cycling, and reading.

I realize that parents of my students are my greatest resource in helping students learn. I realize that parents are the experts on how their child works. Don't be surprised if I give you a call or stop by the house just to get to know your child a little better. With an open line of communication between the two of us I am confident that I will be able to make the best educational decisions for your child.

I have high expectations for my students. I expect every one of my students to demonstrate respect for all people including themselves. Additionally, I expect them to demonstrate responsible choices at all times. This includes doing all assigned work to the best of their ability, completing work on time, asking for help when necessary, and helping others when they can. I will use a notebook I call an "agenda" to communicate with parents when I think a student exemplified the expectations I set forth and when a student falls short of my expectations.

I cherish my role as an educator of children. My door is always open for parents to come and see what we do on a regular basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Gary A. Smith

Class Expectations: BACK TO TOP

1.  Follow all school rules.
2.  Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.
3.  Listen and obey nstructions the first time they are given.
4.  Ask for permission before touching things that are not yours.
5.  Raise your hand when you have something to say.
6.  Keep your area clean at all times.
7.  Seek help when you need it.
8.  Walk in the hallways and classroom.
9.  Finish all work correctly, neatly, promptly, and to the best of your ability.

Homework Guidelines: BACK TO TOP

Internet Resources for Parents of Elementary Aged Children: BACK TO TOP

Helpful Parenting Ideas:

Educational Help:

Local Learning Outside School Walls: