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Class Expectations: TBA (Will be created by this year's class and Mr. Smith on the first day of school)
Power Thinker Pledge: As a PowerThinker I Pledge to:
  • Follow all class expectations,
  • Study regularly,
  • Be respectful to myself and to others,
  • Do my best by never saying "I can't",
  • And help other people when I can.
Homework Expectations:
  • All homework assignments should be noted in the student agenda.
  • All homework should be completed by the next school day.
  • Homework should be completed neatly.
  • Make sure you have all necessary materials before you leave school for the afternoon.
  • Homework should be checked by a parent.
  • Parents should sign student's agenda if homework has been completed satisfactorily.
  • If you have trouble with a homework assignment you should ask an adult, call a study buddy, or call a homework hotline.
  • If you are still not sure how to do an assignment do your best and have your parent write a note to Mr. Smith explaining your difficulty.
  • Most Importantly: TRY YOUR BEST!
Consequences: If a student does not meet class expectations the following consequences will occur:
  • Each action will be documented and reviewed by the student's parent in the student agenda.
  • The student may lose a free time priviledge for the day.
  • The student may have to stay after school to complete unfinished assignments.
  • An after school retraining can be issued for the following:

1. Three missed, unacceptable, or incomplete homework assignments for a week. (homework retraining)

2. Three missed parent signatures in the agenda or corrected tests folder. (behavior retraining)

3. Three behavior demerits for the week. (behavior retraining)

  • For more serious behaviors or problems that seem to linger the school principal will be notified and a parent/teacher conference will be conducted to determine a correction plan.
Materials Needed: All students should have the following items to complete assignments:
  • Several sharpened pencils
  • Small pencil sharpener (Pencil shavings should be disposed of proplerly in a waste basket)
  • A small box of crayons or markers
  • A three ring binder
  • Pack of lined notebook paper or spiral bound notebook.
  • Good eraser
  • Book bag to protect books and other items from the elements.
  • A small pencil box, pencil pocket, or shoe box to store the above items.