Welcome to Mr. Smith's Internet Field Trip
Revolutionary War
Don't forget your internet field trip passport when going to these sites for class.
Clickable Picture (A typical colonial life. Click on people and things in the picture to find out what life was like 200 years ago)
Clickabe Map (Click on a red dot to find out what else was going on in the world during the revolutionary war)
Clickable Soldiers (Click on the soldiers in different points to learn about American and British soldiers)
Road to Revolution Game (Play as you learn about the Revolution - best played after you finish the unit)
Revolutionary Flags (Check out the history of all the flags used during the Revlotionary War)
Interview with Thomas Jefferson (Hear T.J's answers to student's questions in his own world.)
George Washington's Personal Belongings (See the actual belongings of the General)
Rev. War Heroes (See portraits and learn about individual heroes and other characters in the war.)
Loyalty and Liberty (Choose your own adventure.)